The Promised Land of Freedom

accepting shadow side

A woman claims and accepts her shadow:

When a woman awakens and starts to own all of herself, letting go of the need to cover up or defend herself and instead accepts all of her idiosyncrasies, fears, wounds, false programs, flaws, icky moods, fat thighs, sweaty armpits etc and supports her unique imperfect self instead of judging, rejecting and wishing that she were different or like somebody else, she has entered the promised land of freedom and self empowerment.
 entered the promised land of freedom
She starts to drop the posing, defense mechanisms, competitiveness, jealousy and all the false gods that she previously used as crutches, false images or places to hide parts of herself…
 entered the promised land of freedom
What is left is a woman of strength, courage, fortitude and a woman that is compassionately understanding towards others because she is able to give to others what she has given to herself…
 entered the promised land of freedom
She becomes fearlessly authentic, she finds her voice, there is no longer shame, therefore she no longer needs to hide or change any part of herself…
 entered the promised land of freedom
She’s able to overcome any fears of rejection for being true to herself.
accepts herself for who and how she is
Ironically, when a woman claims and accepts her shadow, that which she rejected and suppressed about herself becomes transforms from being dysfunctional into being a strength. promised land of freedom
By embracing her shadow elements with openness and relaxation, she gives others permission to accept themselves as they are and becomes a beacon of empowerment for others. Her willingness to share vulnerabilities, triumphs, and struggles creates a bridge of empathy and understanding. When she reveals her imperfections, it allows others to feel truly seen and heard.
 entered the promised land of freedom
“Honor yourself in the best way possible, for doing so honors others.”
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