The New Normal


A constantly shifting energy:

In a little beach town spread along shimmering blue waters, there lived a woman named Sara. She was an unassuming soul, her eyes always seeking something beyond the ordinary. Sara had a gift—a connection to realms unseen. She could hear whispers carried by the wind, feel the pulse of the Earth beneath her feet, and sense energies that danced around her like ethereal fireflies.

One fateful evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, Sara sat cross-legged in her garden. The air hummed with anticipation, and she closed her eyes, inviting the universe to speak. And speak it did.

Kryon, an angelic entity of love and wisdom, reached out to Sara. His voice resonated within her heart, a gentle current of knowing. “Dear Sara,” he whispered, “you are a bridge between worlds. The old world is fading, making way for the new. Can you feel it?”

Sara nodded, her senses tingling. “What is this new energy?” she asked, her voice barely audible.

“It is the dawn of a grand shift,” Kryon replied. “Humanity is awakening, shedding layers of fear and limitation. The veils between dimensions thin, and those with open hearts shall witness miracles.”

Sara’s mind raced. She had always sensed something energetically unfolding, but now she understood—the Promised Land was not a distant dream; it was a state of consciousness. She was part of a generation unencumbered by old paradigms, ready to embrace the unknown.

Days turned into weeks, and Sara delved deeper into her channeling. Kryon spoke of unity, compassion, and the power of intention. He revealed secrets encoded in the Earth’s ley lines, whispered forgotten truths about Lemurians and Pleiadians, and painted visions of a harmonious world where love reigned supreme.

Sara’s eyes sparkled as she shared her newfound wisdom with others. She gathered seekers in her garden, their faces aglow with curiosity. They meditated under the ancient oak tree, their energies merging like tributaries flowing into a mighty river. Together, they wove a tapestry of hope, envisioning a healed planet where every soul danced to the rhythm of love.

But not everyone understood. Skeptics scoffed, clinging to their old beliefs. “What did I do wrong?” they lamented, fearing the changes sweeping through their lives. Yet, they were anchored in the past, like ancient oaks resisting the wind. Sara listened, her heart heavy. She knew that transformation required courage—the willingness to release the old way of doing things and step into the unknown, and she wondered, could they ever let go?

One moonlit night, Kryon’s voice echoed through Sara’s mind. “The New Normal is a constantly shifting energy,” he said. “We have to learn to love it, to flow with it. The young ones—the firekeepers—they embrace it effortlessly. They see with fresh eyes, unburdened by history.

Sara smiled. She watched the children play, their laughter like wind chimes in the breeze. They painted rainbows on sidewalks, hugged trees, and whispered secrets to the stars. They were the architects of the new world, weaving dreams into reality.

And so, Sara continued her channeling, her heart a vessel for Kryon’s messages. She taught the children, and they taught her. Together, they stepped into the new energy, their footsteps leaving imprints of love upon the Earth.

As the sun rose one glorious morning, Sara stood atop a hill, arms outstretched. The world shimmered—a kaleidoscope of possibilities. She whispered, “Thank you, Kryon, for guiding us toward the Promised Land.”

And Kryon’s voice echoed in her soul, “You are the promise fulfilled, dear Sara. Keep channeling the light. The new world awaits.”

And so, Sara danced—a bridge between realms, a weaver of dreams, and a guardian of the cosmic shift. The old energy faded, and the new dawned within her heart.

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