Give yourself time and space to dream:
When you’ve had a hard day, week, year or life and when you have tried your best to feel better but you still feel crummy, it is reasonable to fall into the victim mindset.
What if you could change everything? What if you could have the relationship you most desire? What if you could travel? What if you could lose this weight? What if you could live better?
Allow yourself for a few minutes to envision it all. Take some time to journal about the perfect partner. What would they look like? Act like? Smell like? Sound like? How would it feel to be with this person?
Where would you travel if you could go anywhere? What would you wear? Where would you stay? What kind of food will you eat? What will you see? How will it feel? Write it all down.
It’s fun to dream up your ideal self… making note of the level of fitness that your ideal self has. Does your ideal self eat large or small portions? What kinds of food do they eat? How does your ideal self feel in the ideal body? Consider the inner voice, level of confidence, overall health.
It is all so simple. By giving yourself time and space to dream – to imagine – and DARE to believe it just might happen is the beginning. You know when you decide that you are going to buy a specific car, make and model and then suddenly it’s all you see? You have informed your subconscious of your desires and now it is opening your eyes up to finding what it is you have set your intention on receiving.
So dream it all up – get detailed – allow yourself to feel the feelings of enjoying that relationship, that vacation, that body and more. Then TRUST and BELIEVE that your subconscious will make you aware of all of the opportunities around you to achieve what you most desire.
What if it worked? Give it a try.