Getting to the core of an issue:
To make meaningful and lasting change, it is my belief that once the root cause of a behavior, habit, unhelpful emotion or pattern is discovered and addressed, the issue will no longer have the same energy or presence in your life.
The root cause of just about every unhelpful tendency is almost always a specific need that was unmet at the time when the particular response/pattern/emotion, etc first presented itself into your life. That response soothed you or “protected” you in some way. It had a purpose at a time in your life when you needed it and then became patterned into you as a result.
As you age and grow and learn, that response may become outdated but it’s not easy to just “stop” the behavior by consciously thinking “that’s enough.” Breaking habits and patterns that are so ingrained is challenging.
That’s where hypnosis comes in. Your subconscious mind holds all of the patterns and all of the solutions. Through a hypnotic regression, you can more easily find the root cause and essentially make a shift for yourself in your mind that will be lasting.
Your mind is powerful and is capable of the most incredible changes when you get past the busy, conscious mind. You can do this through hypnosis.