A Day For You:
What if you could have a stay-at-home, mental health day? What would it be like? Imagine it. Envision yourself enjoying that day.
The following are some ideas for getting the most out of your mental health day.
A mental health day is intended to be a day for you to care for YOU. Incorporating healthy living like light exercise, rest, eating well, and mental kindness will certainly enhance your well-being more so than taking care of the chores, running errands, eating a box of chocolate, drinking a bottle of wine and binging on Netflix. Even though the to-do list might feel like a favor you are providing for your future self and the indulgence of alcohol and sweets seem like a good idea, I wonder if that really fits into your dream of a wellness day?
What does your body need physically? Are you always running around, tense and anxious? Feel into your body and notice where you are holding tension. Are your muscles sore? Do you have a heaviness in your body?
Movement is always good for your body when you can enjoy and be mindful of the gift you are giving the body. Consider a walk outdoors where you can breathe in clean air and take in the outside world. Another option is to dedicate yourself to a gentle yoga session. This can be as easy as finding a yoga video on YouTube or attending a local yoga studio. You might enjoy a short bike ride or even sitting in the sun on a park bench.
A day of simply resting without movement may also be an option for you if you push yourself hard all of the time. Whatever you choose, make sure that it is something you would enjoy and that you know would be good for your body.
Eating healthy food will not only provide your body with the nutrients it needs for healing itself but it will also make you feel better. Clean eating will reduce brain fog, provide you with more energy and will be gentler on your tired body. Drinking water or kombucha rather than soda or alcohol will also contribute to your recovery.
Slowing your busy mind. Meditation is always a good way to slow the monkey brain. Even if you don’t think you can meditate, give it a try. Find a soothing meditation music soundtrack and just allow yourself to focus on the music for as long as you are able. If you find that your mind is busy, you can try a guided meditation online or on YouTube. Another option is to play an instrument, color in a coloring book, knit, create, write or draw. All of these can be forms of meditation. Avoid the urge to binge on Netflix or scroll on your phone. Indulge in mental kindness through creative and peaceful activities.
What makes you happy? Spending time with a friend, drinking a nice cup of coffee, having sex, taking a bath, getting a massage, putting together a puzzle are among 100’s of options.
Whatever you do, go easy on yourself, love yourself, be present. Practice gratitude in each moment you gift yourself. Notice the rhythm on your breath. Ground yourself in the here and now. All of these practices are restorative and will allow you to benefit the most from your mental health day.