What is Hypnosis?
When a person is in a trance, the consciousness mind shifts from a place of intellectual, analytical function where the mind is busy and easily distracted to a more focused and concentrated state, allowing for mental and emotional connections to be made at a subconscious level. Some people experience very deep states of trance and others experience a very light trance. Whatever state you are in is where you need to be. During trance, you are aware of everything around you and will remember everything.
It is not possible to get “stuck” in a hypnotic state. Since you will be awake and engaged in the process, doing something silly or irrational will not occur unless you want that to occur. You will remember everything that occurs in the session.
My mind is so busy can I be hypnotized?
Will I lose control or have my mind controlled?
The type of hypnosis that I facilitate gives you the ability to make change for yourself rather than me making any attempt to control your mind. I will simply be your guide or facilitator as you do the journeying within your subconscious. It is not possible to be hypnotized against your will.
Although you will have your eyes closed you will be alert, awake and aware during the entire session, you cannot be forced to do anything you don’t want to do. You have the freedom to get up and walk away at any point if you decide you need to.
Do you do online sessions?
No, although hypnosis can be experienced online quite easily and effectively, I find the disconnect of sitting at a computer and watching a client through a screen to be less enjoyable then interacting in person.
How many sessions are required?
What are the benefits of hypnosis?
A few examples include regressing to the origin of the feeling/behavior/limiting belief and then providing for the unmet need; reframing an event through seeing it from a different perspective; or anchoring in desired feelings or behaviors from which to resource when needed. In a state of hypnosis, you can create authentic, enduring changes that support your growth, health and healing journey.
Do you accept insurance?
What is a typical private session like?
Pre-talk: a time for us to get to know one another and to talk about your session, the focus and more. I will answer any questions and address any concerns you may have.
Induction: a gentle, guided meditation to help you ease into the session through relaxation. The intention is to calm your “thinking mind” so that you can more easily access your “inner knowing” or subconscious.
Session: this is where the shift will occur. During the entire session you will remain awake, aware and responsive. Using your imagination, you will be guided to explore what’s important to you. We will engage in dialogue throughout the session. You will remember everything about the experience.
Emerging: when it’s time to wrap up your hypnotherapy session, you will be gently grounded back into the present where a summery of your experience will be completed.
What is a typical group session like?
Trust yourself. Trust your imagination. Trust the process.
Be open to the unexpected. Leave your expectations behind.
Enjoy the experience. Avoid analyzing the process while it is happening.
Refrain from the use of drugs and/or alcohol on the day of your session.
Limit your caffeine intake so that you can more readily move into a state of calm.
Know that you are not required to be perfectly still. It’s ok to scratch or stretch or wiggle. You can even step away to go to the bathroom.
Results do not magically happen. Hypnosis is a process of self-discovery and a commitment to yourself to do the deeper work. You must be motivated to make change for yourself.
Allow yourself a gentle time for self care following your appointment. Many people experience fatigue afterwards and need time to reflect.